The High Tutor ordered, as soon as he learned about the escape, the capture of the two fugitives. The High Defensor of Psing-pour drew upon himself the responsability for the capture. He and his faithful squire took, in the main harbour, the fastest sailing friged, driven also by the rowing of fifty galley prisoners. The ship was permanently ready for warfare, and headed immediately for a natural rocky harbour near the connection between the mainland and the sandbank.
Meanwhile, the town harbour was kept under strict vigilance, in the case of an eventual return of the fugitives by that way.
The strong favourable wind and the whippings on the back of the prisoners made it possible to reach the natural rocky harbour twenty hours after departing. Through a large special plank, the High Defensor and his squire disembarked. The High Defensor mounted on a stupendous and huge horse, second to none in the skill of swimming through troubled waters.
The High Defensor and his squire, then, came into the sandbank at the very moment when the blonde fugitive was reprimanding her naked and beaten companion.
The two men soon found the weakened brunette. They recovered her, giving her water and food and, without any menaces, she told them all she knew, including the route of the remaining fugitive.
The High Defensor ordered his squire to seek immediately the blonde.
- Go and capture her. Go to the opposite point of the sandbank and make light signals in order to the town people send you a boat.
The squire went out and the couple (and the spectacular horse) stayed for rest during the night, in order to cross the ford in the early morning. In the middle of the cold night, the lovely brunette meekly asked for a cuddle, as she needed to be warmed. The High Defensor undressed himself and satisfied her prisoner.
The repeated acts of sex were a natural consequence... And love too.
The High Defensor fell in love actually, as did the captive girl. Nevertheless, he was an earnest and honourable member of the kingdom and had to keep apart love and state affairs. In the early morning, he put her prisoner on the croup of the horse and crossed the ford, which, ironically, was quite dry...
In the ship, the poor girl made the trip tied to a pole by the feet and with the hands tied in front of her - as ruled by the judicial code of Psing-pour. When they disembarked in the main harbour, the High Defensor knot the end of a rope around the girl's neck and attached the other end to the bridle. Then, he humiliated the beautiful prisoner, compelling her to march with the head blow at the head the procession that led her to the triumphal entry into the town.

The triumphal entry happened almost concomitantly with the equally humiliating blonde's arrival, which is a matter for another brief report.
After reaching the middle of the sandbank, the squire lost the traces of the fugitive. He was a very experimented man, who was able to find a mosquito in the dark with no lamp. Well, he had the means to make light, this was not the problem. The real problem was the intelligence of the fugitive blonde. Feeling she was about to be caught, she courageously went to the sea and swam a lot along the sandy strip. She managed to swim hundred of meters up and sidestream, having her shoes appropriately tied to her belly by the shoelaces (being she barefoot, the state of her feet would go badly and she could not walk fast). She was very strong and the labour in the mine had strengthened her muscles a lot.
She decided to stop swimming when she felt her forces going out. She had to reserve them to run to the ford and try to cross it. And then she did, arriving there few moments latter the departure of the High Defensor and the other captive.
She felt so happy seeing the ford almost dry! She seated for a while to take breath and go on, just at the right moment the squire, who had intuited the fugitives's maneuver, appeared in the distance. She tried to flee, but she was easily caught, due to her state of weakness.
The squire recovered her with water and food, put the remaining shreds of her clothes off, and tied her:
- We are going to rest a lot. Sleep tight, because we have to cross the entire sandbank. We are going in a couple of hours.
The blonde had no options but obey.
She pleaded him to keep her shoes on. Notwithstanding the strict code of justice ordered that prisoners should be kept stark naked, the squire took pity of that beautiful girl and stated:
- Ok. In this sandbank, I am the state: go on.
The idea of concentrate power made some stir in the squire's ego. Sometimes he addressed the blonde some humiliating jokes regarding her state, besides spurring her, by pricking her naked buttocks with a long piece of wood, of which end he had sharpened to use as a spear.

All of these humiliations infuriated the blonde, who noticed the joy of the squire in being the head and master of the sandbank. When they arrived to a spot to rest, she told him without any false voice tone:
- I am very horny. I must make sex with you.
The squire replied:
- No problem. Let's make it.
- I am tied - replied the girl - You must untie me...
The intelligent squire, perceiving the trick maneuver, added:
- Well, let's take these shoes off at first...
The blonde smiled at him and offered the feet to the squire, who undid the shoelaces and removed the shoes from the girl. Afterwards, he approached the sea and, with a move worthy to be in the Olympic Games, threw the shoes at distance into the sea...
The blonde went mad and cursed him...
- Oh, darling, do you want to be untied, uh? - and rapidly he cut the ropes, put her on his knees and gave her a splendid spanking.

The spanking made her really horny, and, against her initial purposes, she made sex with the squire and cummed like a doe...
Completely beaten and humiliated by the squire, she meekly got attached to a yoke, that the squire took from his sack of provisions and tools:
- Now that there is no rope and hope, you will have do wear a luxury necklace, hahahaha... - and she had to go on barefoot and in stocks...
After a pause for rest and another good amount of sex and humiliating cummings, they came back to the town. There was no need of light signals: the raft stolen by the girl had remained grounded in the sand. To an additional humiliation to the blonde, the squire tied her in a standing position against the raft pole, and this way, they triumphally reached the harbour, cheered by the public.
Her companion of crimes was awaiting for her in the docks. Both of them had their hands tied to a thick and large piece of wood on their upper backs and they were led to the presence of the High Tutor, in order to be sentenced.
Poor lovely girls... From the morning to the afternoon, they awaited for the sentence in a kind of pillory. They were chained and sustained only by a sharp piece against their privates. The unfortunate prisoners had to work hard her biceps in order to avoid worst damages on those tender and pretty areas... And a sharp rod tortured them all times they tended to lean against the pole, what obliged them to keep their back forward!
The poor girls had already suffered galore when the High Tutor came into scene and proclaimed the sentence. The brunette girl was sentenced to be hung by the left wrist for seven times, for seven minutes each session, with a gap of seven minutes between each one. The first hangings deserved applause and ovation of the audience, once the disgraced girl struggled in vain, screaming in pain, and opened several times her legs to a full displaying of her privates to the audience. In the last sessions, she was so annihilated that she passed out during the hanging.
She was also convicted to an extra year of sentence time in the mines...
The blonde girl, as the leader, deserved a permanent branding mark on his right buttock. She was led to a room, where two female serveants of the state unmerciful and efficiently complied with the order.
She was also convicted to two additional years in the sentence time in the mines...