But butts there were more... He always remembering...
It was the early morning when they decided to go to bed… to sleep! Full of emotions, fights, memories, cruelty and sex, the day was very tiresome for both lovers. As well for the poor hoochie, who had got the beat down of her life and was transformed in an object to the lovers' delight.
- It is time to let the little child go out – She said, after which it was possible to hear a timid sigh of relief from the unfortunate girl, who had been convicted by her tormentor to a silent obedience.
She undid her artistic installation and made the hoochie crawl round the room for a while, grabbing her by the hair:
It was the early morning when they decided to go to bed… to sleep! Full of emotions, fights, memories, cruelty and sex, the day was very tiresome for both lovers. As well for the poor hoochie, who had got the beat down of her life and was transformed in an object to the lovers' delight.
- It is time to let the little child go out – She said, after which it was possible to hear a timid sigh of relief from the unfortunate girl, who had been convicted by her tormentor to a silent obedience.
She undid her artistic installation and made the hoochie crawl round the room for a while, grabbing her by the hair:
"Gosh, how alluring that behind was, while that hottie was in all fours..." - he thought to himself. After whipping moderately the bimbo...
...She compelled her to keep standing up and still, with her back
to them:
- It is really a master piece – She said, reading inside him – It would be a pity if I allowed her to go without a live punishment… for you appreciate, my dear.
Saying that, She put the unfortunate hoochie on her knees and gave her a sound handspanking, followed by a paddle one.
Saying that, She put the unfortunate hoochie on her knees and gave her a sound handspanking, followed by a paddle one.
Oh, what a lesson for life that poor girl was receiving! A lesson also for him, concerning the human condition. There he had a dominant woman putting another one into nullity, voidness and annihilation. She had reduced another human being into the condition of an object.
It was amazing. The rest of human dignity in that hoochie was expressed only by her moans of pain, or by the Pavlovian and so sexy leg kicking. Her pungent face expression was a monument of humiliation, pain and eroticism, saying to the world that she was suffering and owned under the claws of a superior woman. And he was the only and privileged witness of this lesson.
It was amazing. The rest of human dignity in that hoochie was expressed only by her moans of pain, or by the Pavlovian and so sexy leg kicking. Her pungent face expression was a monument of humiliation, pain and eroticism, saying to the world that she was suffering and owned under the claws of a superior woman. And he was the only and privileged witness of this lesson.
He was on the verge of an explosive cumming when She controlled her prey by grabbing her hair, whilst fondled abusevely her privates...
It was the only time in his entire life that he ejaculated hands free, what happened before the proud eyes of his lover...
That really superior woman was a glorious and rare specimen indeed. He could not lose her…
The total annihilation of the hoochie and his own arousing state made him imagine or intuit that the submitted bimbo might have aroused too, as it seemed that her moans were a kind of mixture of pain and pleasure, expressing the enigmatic delight of being completely owned and put to total control under a guiding dominance, which frees her of the futile load of vanity and pride. The film seems until today to pass in his mind...
The total annihilation of the hoochie and his own arousing state made him imagine or intuit that the submitted bimbo might have aroused too, as it seemed that her moans were a kind of mixture of pain and pleasure, expressing the enigmatic delight of being completely owned and put to total control under a guiding dominance, which frees her of the futile load of vanity and pride. The film seems until today to pass in his mind...
- Go away, last woman – She sentenced, after the last humiliating slap.
The hoochie insisted in the question, while crying like a toddler:
- Why am… I… a last… woman?
She patted her as if the bimbo were a pet:
- Go away, baby, and grow up a little bit. Perhaps Zarathustra might explain you…
- Does... he live... in Barcelona? - the unfortunate lassie asked about Zarathustra, while heading the door, massaging those splendorous buttocks. When she opened it, she asked naively:
- My clothes?
- Go away in your birth day suit, my dear – said She, pushing gently the poor bimbo into the corridor – Barcelona is well prepared to see you naked – and closed the door.
By the windows, they still could watch the naked and embarrassed lassie going out by the street, slinking alongside the walls:
The hoochie insisted in the question, while crying like a toddler:
- Why am… I… a last… woman?
She patted her as if the bimbo were a pet:
- Go away, baby, and grow up a little bit. Perhaps Zarathustra might explain you…
- Does... he live... in Barcelona? - the unfortunate lassie asked about Zarathustra, while heading the door, massaging those splendorous buttocks. When she opened it, she asked naively:
- My clothes?
- Go away in your birth day suit, my dear – said She, pushing gently the poor bimbo into the corridor – Barcelona is well prepared to see you naked – and closed the door.
By the windows, they still could watch the naked and embarrassed lassie going out by the street, slinking alongside the walls:
"Gosh, that butt is unforgettable...". And he always rectify: “Gosh, that butts are unforgettable”. He also thinks that every day. At least one or two times a day, that butts were projected into his mind, as if he were seeing them in a slide show. “Oh, my”. The hoochie's one was the number one, her nude walking by a Barcelona street always finishing, in a more lasted time, the slide presentation... His ex' butt under the Mexican girl pose was the silver medal; and the avenger Japanese girl's one at the claws of her sassy ex deserved the bronze medal...
It must be said, only to register: notwithstanding being he almost dry, they made a last session of sex at dawn, before sleeping for hours…
PS: I miss my ex boyfriend and the moments we fantasize together all of these bêtisses. I played all the female roles, whilst for him there was only one male character...
PS: I miss my ex boyfriend and the moments we fantasize together all of these bêtisses. I played all the female roles, whilst for him there was only one male character...
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