Uh, the beatdown I got from Killermiller (http://mysteriousfetishes.blogspot.com.uy/2016/10/miller-milling.html) made me think about a very common feature in a catfight: the post-fight punishment. Nothing like that to demonstrate superiority. Women, more than men, like very much this kind of punishment. In my case, Killermiller inflicted me a three-faceted post-fight punishment: ear-pulling/forced squatting, spanking, and mouth soaping. Gosh, Killermiller was very fond of punishment, poor of me...
I selected three interesting examples of post-fight punishments. There are lots of them, and it is very possible that I get back to the subject. For now, let me remember a good fight between a pretty brunette and a very common blonde lady. The brunette is much more skilled, and fully dominated her opponent. This is a case of a girl defeated by a hotter woman, what is, in general, the most humiliating loss in a catfigth. After all, the majority of women are very envious of other girls' beauty. Look how flabby is the blonde's belly, lol, nevertheless, the body imperfections are very exciting in a catfight, once they paint it with a touch of reality!
I selected three interesting examples of post-fight punishments. There are lots of them, and it is very possible that I get back to the subject. For now, let me remember a good fight between a pretty brunette and a very common blonde lady. The brunette is much more skilled, and fully dominated her opponent. This is a case of a girl defeated by a hotter woman, what is, in general, the most humiliating loss in a catfigth. After all, the majority of women are very envious of other girls' beauty. Look how flabby is the blonde's belly, lol, nevertheless, the body imperfections are very exciting in a catfight, once they paint it with a touch of reality!
Wow, that is a nice fight, with the right of a disrobed loser and a main course with two special beautiful submissions. The first one is the neck snap (which sounds very painful, preceded by the unfortunate victim begging so sexily her submission), just before the bra removal; and the final one is the hangman hold that led to a KO, and a stripped naked blonde. The brunette shown no mercy to the victim, who surrenders in vain. Oh, cruelty! How women enjoy it!
Between these two moments, let's underline a series of arm/leg twisting locks, besides another one of stretching holds. So sexy!
Between these two moments, let's underline a series of arm/leg twisting locks, besides another one of stretching holds. So sexy!
Yes, the main course was very sexy, but the dessert, oh, the dessert... It is the special part of a good meal! After knocked-out, our poor blonde remains self-conscious for the rest of the match, during which the cruel brunette makes her victim a tortured toy and inflicts humiliation on the naked poor prey:
Oh, it is awesome. Which girl would not like a naked defeated bitch to humiliate after a good bashing?
It is so fake that it excited me! Having accepted her fate, the victim endures the long agony, which leads to spasmodic leg movements; oh, this is fine imagination and invention, worthy of a mind fascinated with diabolical fantasies! The blonde is so weakened that her lowered level of consciousness is coherent with her hardly audible groans and the discreet, anguished expression, while submitted to the torture!
The second example involves our beloved Zora, second to none on the loser side, and a sexy as hell petite brunette who really annihilates our dear poor blonde:
The main course is a brilliant standing head scissors, with a full close of the nice brunette's butt. The dessert is served with the begging submission of Zora, who is obliged to strip the last fabric on her skin and hand it to the her cruel tormentor. Oh, ending up stark naked in a catfight is quite humiliating, but be compelled to do so is more...
The dessert is finally eaten with the unmerciful nerve hold that unfortunate Zora receives from the little beautiful monster. Oh, how sexy: this is not the first time that we appreciate Zora going to Slumberland this way. She was really great on playing the part of victim (see http://mysteriousfetishes.blogspot.com.uy/2015/04/the-only-thing-to-do-is-open-mouth-and.html and http://mysteriousfetishes.blogspot.com.uy/2015/04/suffering-and-pleasure-in-slow-motion.html).
The last example bring us a classic beauty vs beast, busty vs flat, skinny vs muscular or young vs mature contest; that is, a skinny young busty beauty vs a mature flat muscular beast. What is new here is the antipasti, served by the beauty, another blonde victim, who enters the ring doing lovely cartwheels, oh, how sexy! The beast immediately serves the main course and puts the young damsel in her place, poor thing. The bow and arrow hold is very painful, you can believe!
The beast decides to wrestle barechested and helps her unfortunate victim to do so as well. The charming braided lassie is a battered toy at her tormentor's hands. It is lovely to see that young and firm body struggling in vain while trapped in these sexy holds:
The ragdolling is a great punishment. The victim must be softened enough to be humiliated in this way. The bearhug and particularly the torture rack sessions are awesome! And the session, like in the first example, ends up with some tying. The ropes here are the own victim's clothes, oh my... The lovely blonde should have thought twice before facing a so much bigger and stronger bitch!

- Ha-ha-ha, Killermiller spared only your legs. And you are the Ear of the Year ha-ha-ha!
I heard a lot from her, that daughter of a bitch. My story with that pale white slut was just starting...