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Saturday, 1 October 2016

Tips from Killermiller....

I was introduced to the ceiling hold when I lived in a Caribbean country, where I got one of the more humiliating beatings of my life ( I trained freestyle wrestling there, but, gosh.... how boring it was! Our coach, whose surname was Miller (I can't remember her first name, oh my...) had been a pro-wrestler too. She was so strict that we nicknamed her The Killermiller. Away from work and professional training sessions, Killermiller was a kind and relaxed lady in her thirties. This is the reason why, at the requests of three of the four girls who were taking classes with her, she gave us some tips of pro-wrestling. The three girls were Juana - a black Dominican lass (see the above mentioned link) -, Valentina - an Argentinian white chick -, and me - of course. Well, I will talk about these girls soon. For now, let me remember the glorious Killermiller's teachings, in special the ceiling hold, which is a theatrical staged hold that fascinated all of us.
As she said, we all are able to perform the ceiling hold - underneath and aloft, lol. So, we all experienced its tragic effects and the quasi-orgasmic feeling of putting a bitch on the heights like a human trophy.
I have already said that the correct jobber's position is as if she would perform a bridge ( More than that, her head must be down in order to breathe properly, and it must be at the same height of her butt. Let me post one more time the ideal victim's position:
Gosh, what a beautiful drawing! Both expressions are so similar and, however, on the other side, they portray so different feelings... Philosophy, lol!
The video below perhaps sums up all the features of a good ceiling hold, including the begging lady - who is unfortunately begging in Japanese... Oh, I wish there were at least one Japanese reader here to help us...
Yes, very good indeed! These Japanese wrestlers are too clever to suffer so long time in a wrong position!
Let's post, now, some uncomfortable positions for a ceiling hold victim to endure:

Well, my dear job(ber) candidates: when you are on the heights, remember that if you do not keep your trunk arched upward, you will suffer like hell, because your shoulder joints will carry the can for your lack of strength - and vision... More than that: if you let your back and butt move down, you will inevitably adjust your head in a raised position; and, then, my dear, you will learn what a lack of air is. It is very hard to breathe in this position and an excruciating pain will torment your throat - and if someone hums "every breathe you take, every move you make", you will get it as a sick, sadistic joke. Oh, my: see that mature woman in the last pic: it is to be pitied!
The two posts below enhance the last remark. Look at the poor suffering bitches on the loser side and the mistake of trying to relief the pain by the trunk lowering.
The last pic shows us another two important topics. The first one is related to the perpetrator's leg strength. The stronger the legs, more the angle width to be reached. And the angle width is a humiliating factor for the victim, since it allows a full view of her privates, lol. A nude victim in a ceiling hold is very rare to see... But this is another theme!
Killermiller underlined the idea that the ceiling hold is a kind of trophy for the winner, a human trophy, indeed. It is presupposed that the girl submitted to the hold is completely defeated and too weakened to offer resistance. So, she is ready meekly to obey and collaborate for a great maneuver, in order to avoid more humiliation. Actually, the humiliation of the ceiling hold is a kind of concentrated humiliation, since it is the ultimate representation of a helpless, docile and desperate victim in excruciating pain, transformed into a trophy for all to see.
I remember Killermiller saying this kind of things to us, with that indefectible Paraguayan accent, full of retroflexes consonants:
- If you want to perform a ceiling hold, remember that your victim is already defeated, and that is better for her collaborating with you. Nobody can believe that the ceiling hold is performed only by means of the perpetrator's technique. It is a kind of atomic bomber, with the potential of concentrate humiliation. And you can add humiliation, if you want. Do you know how the Japanese wrestlers use to indicate to the victim that it is time to offer the arm to be pulled? By slapping the bitch's buttocks!
- And it is more humiliating if we use two slaps, instead of one. One for each arm... and buttocks!
The last tip: "do not try to put a girl bigger than you in a ceiling hold: be happy by the single fact that you have won a bigger girl. In the natural order, it is improbable." And, after this, the surprise: "So, I challenge you to wrestle me on the next Friday. No rules barred. I want to see who is really brave here!"
That Paraguayan lady with German ancestry was probably featherweight, while us all were bantamweight. Her challenge gave birth to our Mad Fridays, full of expectations and thrill.
Oh, I am really mad about catfight, and so I accepted the challenge, with one basic rule: the ceiling hold should be barred! I was very confident in my skills after so many training. Besides that, I had learned very quickly the secrets of various holds, including my favourite one: the camel clutch. Having recently received two sounding beatings in my country from Donna Lucrezia and Kapitoline ( and, I would like to prove myself that I could fight again, even if the victory was improbable... I remember Miss Alley Oop to gain more hope... (

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