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Monday 17 November 2014

Back to the devastating camel clutch hold

Humiliation  and camel clutch hold are related. Regarding the theme, the text below is very interesting ( Its author, Justin Achilli, tells about the moral effects of being submitted to a camel clutch - in a male/male confront, it must be said, which is not exactly my cup of tea (nevertheless, the text is worth to be read):

The camel clutch: devastating - When I was nine or maybe 10, I got in a fight with Jon Wiffenbach. I know that sounds like a made-up name but it isn’t. Dude’s name was Jon Wiffenbach. I don’t remember why we fought but I do remember being king-hell angry about whatever it was, so mad I was shaking. It was probably something stupid, like he made fun of Starscream or something, but man, was I furious. The fight took place at day care, right by the trampoline (I attended the day care as a child before I worked there as a surly teenager. Creepy) on the carpeted side of the courtyard. I can’t recall how it happened, but I somehow knocked Jon Wiffenbach to the floor and into position for an application of the Camel Clutch. In layman’s terms, Jon Wiffenbach was face-down on the ground. I straddled Jon’s back, locked my fingers around his forehead and pulled. The result was astounding. His face turned all red and he couldn’t resist very long. I remember him wheezing both out of pain and asphyxiation. Deprived of air, he couldn’t mount a counterattack. Obviously, the Camel Clutch is fucking badass. While thinking about this today, I wondered a few things. It’s hard to get a dude in a Camel Clutch. You have to get him on the ground, in a certain position, and he has to stay there long enough for you to reposition yourself and then still be incapacitated long enough for you to apply the hold itself. Speaking from experience, anytime I’ve faced a situation in which a camel Clutch might be applied, that fight is long done. If I’m face-down on the ground and unable to move, I’ve had my ass kicked so hard I can probably taste my lungs crumpling. On the other hand, if I’m kicking the ass in question, why would I ever choose to apply the Camel Clutch? I mean, yeah, it rocks a dude, but a Flurry of Head Kicks or Jumping On the Dude’s Spine is equally as ruinous but less difficult to manage. Is it the psychological value that makes the Camel Clutch so wicked? Maybe. (It’s certainly not the name. Camel Clutch. Beware its cousin move, the far less appropriate Donkey Punch.) A dude who gets Camel Clutched has been rocked nonpareil. You never see it in a street fight because it’s so ridiculous. The day after your ass gets handed to you by way of Camel Clutch, your friends are embarassed to talk to you. Your girlfriend starts dating the pizza guy instead of you. Police laugh at you and the waitresses never again call you “honey” at the Waffle House. It looks totally absurd, even more so for the victim than the aggressor. What else works like this? I tried to Pedigree Chad once but the camera didn’t catch it properly and he hit me with a garbage can afterward. We were iron-man fighting at GenCon one year on the fourth floor of the Marc Plaza, during which I used my legs to grapevine Mariolis’ arm in an attempt to break it, and he picked me up and drove me back into the floor. A few weeks ago at a party Becky was throwing I knocked a giant dude down on the ground and shoved my fingers in his eyes. None of these have the humiliation of the Camel Clutch. What might be its equal?

Although the author describes a fight between children, the moral consequences of a camel clutch ia a male-male match is the focus of his concerns. I think that - at least in general - the feelings involved in a female fight are very different of those related to a male one. Males are concerned about win the opponent and demonstrate to females his superior strenght. That is, perhaps, a primitive value (or instinct). Women are, in principle, more attratcted to stronger males on the winning side. So, a defeated male is, after all, an inferior macho at the eyes of women.

This is not, nevertheless, an absolute explanation for all feelings related to the consequences of a male/male fight  It is much possible I come back to this issue in a posterior post. And, regarding female fights, the effects are notoriously different. A friend of mine addict to female fights explained me that your feelings are much complex: on one hand, the victorious lady, particularly when she displays the defeated girl as a trophy, is similar to a predator who gains the right of enjoy sexually every man in the audience, including him (my male friend); and if the victim was his girlfriend, or simply a girl interested in him, the sexual appeal increases a lot. It is the old theme of the seed spreader, who loves being the object of desire of all women. On the other hand, the humiliated loser, as a poor prey, enhances the primeval macho protective instinct, which leads him to take care of the weaker girl and, of course, sexually possess her. It is very complex the matter, and this is only the begining of my reflexions about it. I am sure that I will come back to the theme. The pic below is very complex, as the post issue.
It shows a camel clutch partially viewed from rear. The winner is a hottie girl and the victim is completely naked (humiliation of humiliations). I figure out the loser as a girl (delicate legs, and perhaps some shadowy female locks of hair in the background - oh, hair, always the hair...) Who could prove it, nevertheless? The victim could be a young and delicate man... Mixed fight is not my cup of tea, too, but it tastes good when adequately hot...

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