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Monday 4 May 2015

Les conséquences de la visite spirituelle de mon amie du Barry... encore...

Some months ago, I came across in the internet with an old and odd add, supposedly from the 1950s. It is for sure issued in some American magazine and is really and paradoxically funny, exactly because of its very lack of humour or something like that. It is a chauvinist joke, of course, once the displaying of a severed girl's head was intended to be the demonstration of someone's sexual conquest. "One of the nicest qualities is that they don’t talk back! Accurately modelled to three-quarters life-size of real gals and molded of skin-textured pliable plastic, these heads are so lifelike they almost breathe. Saucy glittering eyes, full sensuous mouth and liquid satin complexion, combined with radiant hair colours, give astonishing realism to these rare and unique trophies.”
Gosh, how disgusting...
And what a sense of reality..
Yes, sense of reality, because, I have to admit so, this sick, bad joke conveys a lot of meaning if contextualized in catfight and female wrestling environment - and, I dare to say, in woman's world (although I do not want to consider all the women's worldview as an only and one homogeneous thing). I do not know about all the women involved in fights, however I and several - and unsevered - girls I know would love to display in this way our victories, like a hunter does with his preys...
It is obvious that I am talking about a symbolic death... If the bitch under the winner's claws is adequately humiliated, she will feel like she has never been born... This happens because the loss of dignity and, sometimes, willingness, makes the defeated girl a kind of body void of real life.
Besides that, there is always the remembrance of the fight - a pleasure experience for the winner and an agonising one for the loser -, so that a severed, stuffed head will be always on display on the memory's wall! For example, in my memory, Miss Universe's and Miss Alley Oop's heads are at my disposal to be seen...
On the other hand, my own head is in Fatima's and Doña Lucrezia's trophy cabinets... Oh, Gosh, shame on me...

Personally, I would like to have my private trophy lounge gladly decorated with some dumb blondes' melons...

Oh, gosh, what a bullshit... but deeply profound thought indeed...
There are people who really understand the deepness of this truth. And, once it is undesirable to behead a bitch, a mask would solve the problem!

Well, it is illustrative of all we said today, but not really... really... how can I say?... breathtaking... like the trophy bellow:
What a female wrestler or catfighter would want more? After a camel clutch - the humiliating hold par excellance -, she gets the submission from her hot opponent, and, last but not least, put the bitch's face on display by hair pulling her. She is ready to say, like Perseu: "Here is the bitch. I defeated her!" Meanwhile, the lovely victim's expression says all about the humiliation she is compelled to endure...
Oh, I feel mon amie du Barry's spirit abandoning me... Never mind, tomorrow I will invoke her one more time just to complete my deep reflections on the topic.

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